Welcome to the website of North Brixton Cultural Centre
Prayer Times
Prayer start times:
Fajr | 4:42 am |
Zuhr | 12:16 pm |
Asr | 3:16 pm |
Maghrib | 6:01 pm |
Ishā | 7:23 pm |
Friday Jummah starts: 1:25
Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith and Humanity
Our aim is to promote understanding and knowledge about Islam in view of the Quran and the Sunnah as imparted to us by the holy prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The North Brixton Cultural Centre is a local community that brings together people across different cultures and countries to unravel the truth about the almighty Allah and the message of the Holy prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). We aim to promote peace and harmony which the word “Islam” itself stands for.

Youth Circles
Islamic circles for young people. Learning Islam through interesting talks and discussions, Practicing Islam through activities.

The education of the children begins with basic Qur’aanic learning from the age of five.

Islamic counselling
Islamic Counselling is a talking therapy which provides a safe and private space to reflect and work through issues and difficult feelings with guidance from the Quran and Sunnah.

BROTHERS & Sisters Halaqah
If you are a Muslim then we hope by attending the Halaqah you can: Increase your knowledge of the deen & actively engage in the remembrance of God.